Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Consumer Purchase Decision Essay Example for Free

Consumer Purchase Decision Essay There are many reasons that a consumer chooses a certain product. It may be that it is environmentally friendly, a great design or it might be as simple as the price of the product. As a business organization we must be able to conduct our research and decipher what is most important to our target market. The consumer buying decision process is a systematic way of looking at how a consumer makes the decision to purchase a product (any product) in a product category. In our restaurant we will determine what products they want and develop a successful strategy on how to market our products and services. As a customer in our restaurant we will have many choices available to them at a low cost. There are five steps in the consumer purchase decision that I’ll explain. Step one is need recognition which simply means that we identify what the potential customers need in our market. What kind of foods do they like and what kind of experience do they want when they go to a restaurant? Step two is searching for the product that the customer wants. We will have many avenues, such as print ads and our website, in which to market our product and inform the public of our food and services. The third step is product evaluation where the consumer gathers information on our products and services. We will have the best menu and service in our market to gain a larger market share in our area. The fourth step is product choice and purchase so it is vital that we successfully advertise and market our restaurant. We will have the best menu, greatest service and the most updated restaurant within a hundred mile radius. The fifth step is the post purchase and evaluation step where the consumer will decide whether our food and  service is worth a return visit. We will make a great impression on our customers through our delicious menu and excellent dining experience. A consumer’s buyer behaviour is influenced by four major factors: 1) Cultural, 2) Social, 3) Personal and 4) Psychological. Cultural factors include a consumer’s culture, subculture and social class. These factors are often  inherent in our values and decision processes. Our target customers are mostly young families and lower to upper middle class. Social factors include groups (reference groups and member groups), family, roles and status. This explains the outside influences of others on our purchase decisions either directly or indirectly. Personal factors include such variables as age and lifecycle stage, occupation, economic circumstances, lifestyle (activities, interests, opinions and demographics), personality and self concept. These may explain why our preferences often change as our `situation changes. Psychological factors affecting our purchase decision include motivation (Maslows hierarchy of needs), perception, learning, beliefs and attitudes. Other peop le often influence a consumer’s purchase decision. Word of mouth can be one of our biggest allies or our greatest threat in the marketing of our restaurant. We will make sure that every customer will enjoy their experience from the moment that they walk through our doors. They will be greeted when they enter and when they exit and our servers will be courteous and knowledgeable. We need to know which people are involved in the buying decision and what role each person plays, so that marketing strategies can also be aimed at these people. Understanding these behaviours as they pertain to our restaurant will help us gain a competitive advantage against all competitors in our area. Market segment is defined as the process of defining and subdividing a large homogenous market into clearly identifiable segments having similar needs, wants, or demand characteristics. Its objective is to design a marketing mix that precisely matches the expectations of customers in the targeted segment. We have effectively indentified our market segment as having fewer than ten thousand potential customers in our area with an additional five thousand from outside our area such as truck drivers and customers passing through. Our town has consistently been moving to a younger crowd (Generation X) so our fresh new look and our website should appeal to this younger generation. This market also values environmentally friendly products so we will utilize environmentally safe products in our restaurant. The majority of our market are family oriented so our family style menu and restaurant will be very appealing to our customers. We understand that the  customer has a process that they u se to determine where they want to dine. With our excellent customer service, great new menu and low prices we will gain their loyalty and get them back through our doors. Our customers are always number one and our customer service will be second to none. There are many options to dine in our area but we will set ourselves apart from the competition.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Romanticism in Scarlet Letter, Ministers Black Veil, and Young Goodma

American Romanticism in The Scarlet Letter, The Minister's Black Veil, and Young Goodman Brown      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Nathaniel Hawthorne took elements of the European romanticism and reshaped them into a new literary form that is called American Romanticism. "The American Romanticists created a form that, at first glance, seems ancient and traditional; they borrowed from classical romance, adapted pastoral themes and incorporated Gothic elements" (Reuben 22). Some of the definable elements of romanticism combined with the Gothic including the crossing of some boundary or a taboo broken (Crow 1), the emotional response of pleasure and pain that the reader experiences and the mixing of good and evil to form a flawed hero. "Hawthorne developed a literature of shadows and moonlight" to questions what is real and made-up (Crow, 106). Examining Hawthorne’s writings in the works of The Scarlet Letter, "The Minister's Black Veil," and "Young Goodman Brown" exemplifies American Romanticism at its best.    Hawthorne used extensive study and his own innate knowledge from his own family history to examine the New England Puritan to give the reader an accurate picture of seventeenth century life. In the introduction to The Scarlet Letter Hawthorne describes his ancestor as "a soldier, legislator, judge; he was a ruler in the Church; he had all the Puritanical traits, both good and evil. He was likewise a bitter persecutor ·" (Scarlet Letter 89). The women waiting for Hester to emerge from prison pronounce the sentence of the "A" not harsh enough. " ·they should have put the brand of a hot iron on Hester Prynneà ¢s forehead" (Scarlet Letter 114). The people used their severe beliefs to ward off any workings of the devil among there midst through t... ...Heath Anthology of American Literature. Ed. Paul Lauter. New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1998. 2207-2216. ---The Scarlet Letter. The Complete Novels and Selected Tales of Nathaniel Hawthorne. Ed. Norman Holmes Pearson. New York: Random House, 1937. 81-240. Melville, Herman. "Hawthorne and His Mosses." Literary World. 17 and 24 Aug. 1850. Pearson, Norman Holmes. Introduction. The Complete Novels and Selected Tales of Nathaniel Hawthorne. By Pearson. New York: Random House, 1937. vii-xv. Poe, Edgar Allan. "Tale-Writing." Rev. of Twice-Told Tales and Mosses From An Old Manse. Godeyà ¢s Ladyà ¢s Book. Nov. 1847: 252-256. Reuben, Paul P. "Chapter 3: Early Nineteenth Century: Romanticism à ¶ An Introduction" PAL: Perspectives in American Literature- A Research and Reference Guide. 1-38.   

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Kudler Fine Food Essay

Kudler Fine Food is the fast growing fine food specialty business that was established in 1998, and at each of their stores the company first initially selected Microsoft Access as their AIS to track employees, customer, inventory, orders, and sales. Kudler’s products have perishable inventory that must be properly tracked. This brief will evaluate database tables from an accounting perspective. In addition, gives recommendations for improvement, pivot table, and entity relationship diagram will help the company have a better decision-making process. Assessment of the design elements of the data tables from an accounting perspective. Data Table analysis is vital to the success of the business, the data given in these tables is available for the end user to determine how much inventory is available and when it require to order more inventory. The purpose of the data tables will arranges the financial data into department, financial codes, items, and sums of total amount of transaction. Data table get the most out of the informational and visual presentation for the financial data. The user of the data can easily to identify the item belongs to certain department and how many items were received at the given cost for a certain period. In addition, the data allows in finding quantity and total amount on hand for an item and calculating average price of the item. Kudler Fine Foods data tables the company has now, organized per department and location by a general codes in a general ledger. For example the codes differentiated per department, product, and locations, in addition, the first two digits show the location (10) La Jolla, (11) Del Mar, (12) Encinitas, the second show the department (15) Bakery, (16) Meat & Seafood, (17) Produce, (18) Cheese & dairy, (19) Wine. Last, the two digits will show the product (20) imported cheeses, and in the ledger codes each location inventory will be broken down into different department. The inventory data table and general ledger use will not give enough information to the end user of the total cost remaining from the inventory list. The user that is preparing to order items will not know how much inventory is available to order (Wiley & Sons, 2004). An Entity relationship diagram will show the hierarchy of how data reviewed by the end users, and the information represented the entity relationship diagrams includes the company entities and relationship among them. Entity relationship diagrams have for symbols: the entities are represented by a diamonds to describe relationship, the entity is described by ovals, characteristics, and connecting lines illustrates relationships. The entity relationship diagram will demonstrate the hierarchy shapes presented by rectangles, ovals, diamonds, and connecting lines. As an example of (Code: 021520) location Del Mar department is (18) Cheese & dairy, and the product is imported cheeses. The code number will give the purchaser, inventory item, summary item, and the total amount available in the inventory of the item. The data table gives the company accurate information needed for the company to sell the item. The recommendation for improvements to the Kudler Fine Foods data tables, the pivot table is a two-dimensional statistical summary of database information. The database information can be improved by arranging the codes, and categorize the data by compiling the list of product inventory levels. This improvement will simplify the monitoring of items for a department that has different product to sell. Data sorting should allow visualizing of the data faster and finding the information management need to make effective decisions ((Wiley & Sons, 2004). In addition, the improvement of the data tables will give more information to the end users. The data table needs to give substantial information for the decision-making process from management. The improved data-base needs to have the cost and quantity available for effective decisions to be made by management. As an example Del Mar Kudler Fine Food location has $700 of inventory of cheeses available the code is 021520, however it is unknown on the exact quantity. The improvements of the data-base will include the quantity, cost of each unit, and the total available. Creating accurate information will help management know if the stock is low or high with accurate information makes effective decision-making for the company (Wiley & Sons, 2004). Conclusion Presently Kudler’s advised some improvement required to their nventory data table and Kudler’s should update the database with data tables that allow them easily to access and calculate optimal inventory levels for each store. The upgrade will provide quality of data and eliminate redundant information. Kudler Fine Foods values the level customer service that the company has strived to give a high level. Data tables will be monitored to elevate errors, improve accuracy for the company success in growth. Improvements of the data-base are essential for management to make effective decisions for effective customer satisfaction. Pivot tables will allow quick access to vital data.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Mill’S Two Proofs For The Ultimate Norm Of Morality . In

Mill’s two proofs for the ultimate norm of morality In his argument about the ultimate norm of morality, Mill claims that the utilitarian must claim that happiness happens to be the one and only thing that is desirable in itself. He also claims that the only proof of desirability is desire and goes ahead to give an argument that happiness happens to be the one and only thing that should be desired (Selling, 2016). Most importantly, Mill argues that an individual does desire his own happiness for its personal reasons and that makes happiness to be desired by and becomes desirable for its own sake as well as for humanity as a whole. Additionally, Mill goes ahead and tries to defend his postulation that happiness happens to be the only thing†¦show more content†¦From the proofs given by Mill, it can be easily seen that utilitarianism happens to be true if happiness happens to be the one and only thing desirable for its own sake and not for the sake of any other thing (Sullivan, n.d). Additionally, Mill states that the only proof of desirability is desire and every individual happens to desire his or her own happiness for its sake and not for the sake of any other thing. The other important point to note from the proofs is that, happiness is always needed for its own sake from the humanity point of view. It is important to note that happiness is always desirable for its own sake and happiness happens to be the only thing desires for its own sake (West, n.d). Other things like health, virtue, money, music, and power can always come to be desired for their own sakes but they are always desired as parts of happiness. The proofs also show that prudence us partial and as a result of it being partial, it always aims at the agent’s own happiness (Sullivan, n.d). On the other hand, the proofs indicate that morality by contrast happens to be impartial and as a result of it being impartial, it always aims at happiness as such. Additionally, if the moral point of view aims at personal happiness, then it happens to be the moral duty of each individual to promote happiness. As such, it is important to note that from the proof, happinessShow MoreRelatedUtilitarianism Vs. Utilitarianism By John Stuart Mill2839 Words   |  12 Pagesactions are governed by systems of morality, and our actions all define our society. A society is constructed of moral values, actions, and laws; hence these aspects all strive to make it a stable one. In order to cr eate peace and harmony, it is crucial that we do good deeds and perform ethical actions. However, what defines goodness? When is it that our actions deem ethical in terms of pleasure and happiness? Two important historical figures have provided two sets of ethical theories, a concreteRead MorePolygamy : Human Rights And Civil Liberties3424 Words   |  14 PagesMacRae, Paetsch, 2005). In light of the foregoing, this paper will evaluate the polygamy legislation in Canada for consistency (or lack thereof) with the Constitution. Acknowledging the complexity of the polygamy debate, this paper will borrow from two competing human rights perspectives — universalist and cultural-relativist perspectives. The former is predicated on individual rights, with a greater focus on civil and political rights, and the latter is predicated on collective rights such as culturalRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 Pagesto the future? Neo-modernist organization theory: putting people first? Neo-modernist organization theory: surfing the new wave? Postmodernist organization theory: new organizational forms for a new millennium? Postmodernism as a philosophy: the ultimate challenge to organization theory? Reflective organization theory: symbols, meanings and interpretations Reflexive organization theory: critical theory and psychoanalysis The evolution of management as reflected through the lens of modernist organization